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May 31, 2005

Sales & Sales Management Newsletter
For Better Results, Goals & Success


Seven Secrets to help find, attract, interview, assess and develop your sales dream team.

Executive luncheon June 22, 2005 10 A.M. till 1 P.M.

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What is Your Inner World Saying?

Situation: Billy Bob had attended the annual success road show that came to town. You know the one that features all the great self help gurus and other mercenaries who spend the day telling the audience to fell great and how to improve. Billy Bob just like most of the audience is in sales. Sales is a tough profession with its pressure on pipelines and quotas and the daily rejections its no wonder they need attitude adjustment shows like this one to pick them up. It has been a few days since Billy Bob attended the show and he was back in the same self defeating mind set again feeling rejected, unfocused and tentative. Billy Bob was filled with what David Kurlan calls "negative records" (sabotaging self talk coming from the subconscious part of the brain) and no one day road show was going to take those away.

Problem: This so called "Wilderness Training"( fly in to a city hoop and holler sell merchandise in the back of the room then leave you in the wilderness to find your way back home) may be beneficial for short bouts of the motivational bliss. The long term benefits to this type of motivation are questionable. The proven fact is long term Billy Bob and salespeople all over are responsible for their own long term attitudes. Yes a great sales leader can add direction to the process. Ultimately it is you, Mr. and Ms Sale's Person that must break negative self talk that says "I can't do that" I'll never be able to…." Or worse I don't deserve". Billy Bob is so good at setting his goals and expectations at such a safe level just so he can not feel like a failure when he comes up short. As a result Billy Bob constantly stays in the quagmire of mediocrity.

Solution: Mary Sue, Billy Bob's sales leader reminded him that you become a product of your programming. In the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T Harv Eker, Eker introduces a formula called the Process of Manifestation: P-T-F-A=R Programming (Some call these records/believes) which is derived from your verbal model as a youngster to modeling what did you see when you were young to specific incidents, what did you experience when you were young. Together all of this programming leads to thoughts. Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results.

Perhaps you cannot attend a workshop and you still want to get a taste of this consultative selling model. Spend some time here and choose from our interactive CD roms and Audios on Common Sense Selling that can help to make that transition from transactional to consultative selling model site.

The mind brings into reality the things it thinks about most. However our subconscious mind makes no distinction between positive and negative thoughts. If we will our mind with doubt, fear, disbelieve, if we lack self-confidence, if our self-image is negative, chances of our being successful are remote. We move in the direction of our programs, which created those thoughts. Think about some negative records that showed up in Billy Bob's sales person evaluation from Dave Kurlan's OMG Organization

It's OK if my prospect thinks it over
Any lack of results is due to the economy or marketplace
I must make proposals or quotes
I have a long sell cycle
A thousand dollars is a lot of money to me

Mary Sue realized to prevent Billy Bob from heading in the direction of his programs and records she had to show Billy Bob how to scratch up the old groves while cutting new groves in the record. For that to occur she recommended Billy Bob listen to the Sales Mind Audio CD to reprogram those self defeating programs.

We get what we expect. That's the good news since we are in control of what we think about. You decide what to put in your mind and so determine what you get back. Discipline your thoughts purchase a copy of the Sales Mind CD or write and read affirmations or declarations every day till you cut a new grove in your old records….

Start today with this declaration:

"My Inner World Creates My Outer World"

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