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June 19th, 2003  

Sales & Sales Management Newsletter
For Better Results, Goals & Success


This issue deals with unwarranted rejection and using ethics to keep your prospect from making a "real bad" decision.

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Switch from Selling to Consulting When Clients Make Bad Decisions
by Ted Gulas

Billy Bob was working with a client recently and was using all the sales development processes he had been taught. A review with his sales manager Mary Sue revealed Billy Bob's prospect met the following conditions;

  • They had numerous quantifiable problems they wanted fixed
  • He was in front of the person who could make the right decision
  • The financial resources were available to fix the issues
  • The presented solution worked perfectly and meet all the outlined variables

Despite these conditions, the decision maker picked an inferior competitor with a less-than-effective solution. Dejected and discouraged - knowing deep down at his core that his prospect was making a bad decision - Billy Bob left confused and wanting to challenge the decision. He just did not know how to do it.

Prospects can, and often do, suffer from a disillusioned decision making process that's created by confusion and anxiety and reinforced by unrealistic claims from a competitor. In other words, prospects don't always know what is best for them.

Develop your bravery so when you know with 100% conviction that your prospect is making a bad decision be honest enough to tell them. You must do this graciously and non-threatening coming across without a hint of the rejected suitor.

Mary Sue explained that Billy Bob needed to be perceived as a consultant not a salesperson. Here is her recommendation:

Great Taste or
Less Filling?

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"Mr. prospect, I understand and respect your decision to use my competitor, and I am through selling, so can I tell you something without getting your mad?" Hopefully, you realize that I am no longer selling so perhaps I can offer some advice? P A U S E... "You are making a big mistake. With all due respect to my competition the solution you have chosen is flawed. Here is why; Impact Reason 1, Impact Reason 2, Impact Reason 3..."

Mary Sue reiterated, "you never use this to vent frustrations, or when you have been out sold, only when you can verify with facts that the prospect is making a mistake." Remember being respected is more important than being loved in the sales business. And don't consultants get paid big bucks to point out problems and to suggest solutions? As a strategy, this approach may not work. On the other hand, wont you now leave the prospect with dignity knowing you did the right thing?

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